The evolution of the position of cardinal and its duties is reflected in its two possible word roots: On one hand, scholars think the title is derived from the Latin word cardo, meaning hinge, thereby referring to an individual entrusted with an important administrative ecclesiastical office. On the other hand, some scholars suggest that the title is derived from the Latin incardinare, a term found first in the Letters of Pope St. Gregory I (d. 604), which refers to the incardination of those clerics who serve a diocese other than the one for which they were actually ordained. Both meanings come to play in the history we have about this office.
The title of cardinal emerges following the barbarian invasions, about the year 500. During these years of turmoil, bishops were transferred to serve another diocese if their own dioceses had been overrun and the Church suppressed. In this situation, these bishops were incardinated into the new diocese and would remain there as “cardinal bishops” unless their own diocese revived.
About the 10th century in Rome, the senior clergy attached to the basilicas and the 27 “title” Churches of Rome– the original parishes– were called cardinals to indicate a certain prestige of their position. To some extent, this privilege extended to priests serving at several other major cathedral churches, such as Cologne, Trier, Magdeburg, and Santiago de Compostela. Nevertheless, in Rome, these cardinals became a privileged body and were more involved in the liturgical and administrative duties of the Church.
By the time of Pope Leo IX (d. 1054), the title cardinal was reserved to the Pope’s principal counselors and assistants living in Rome. In 1059, Pope Nicholas II made them the papal electors as well. In 1084, not only were bishops and priests granted the title cardinal but also deacons; for instance, during the pontificate of Pope Urban II, 7 cardinal deacons existed. Also at this time, the title of cardinal and right to elect the Pope was conferred on bishops living outside of the vicinity of Rome and presiding over their own dioceses. Later, Pope Alexander III (d. 1181) reserved the selection of cardinals exclusively to the Pope in 1179.
Over the years, the number of cardinals has varied. Pope Sixtus V (d. 1590) set the number of cardinals at 70 in 1586, after the number of the 70 Elders of the Old Testament. Pope John XXIII (d. 1963) revoked this rule and increased the number of cardinals. In his apostolic letter Ingravescentem Aetatem (1970), Pope Paul VI placed certain age restrictions on cardinals: At age 75, a cardinal must submit his resignation as head of an administrative post in the Curia, and at age 80, he loses his right to vote for the next successor of St. Peter. With the induction of the new cardinals (and after the sudden death of two), the College now has 163 members, 120 of whom are under the age of 80.
As an aside, the Holy Father may name cardinals in pectore, meaning he reserved the man’s name in his heart. The purpose of keeping a cardinal’s identity secret is to protect him from harm because of the political or other circumstances in which he lives. Such a cardinal is not bound by the duties of cardinals and does not possess any of their rights or privileges; however, the situation reverses once the Holy Father reveals his name and his seniority is dated from his naming in pectore.
We must remember that the Pope selects those men as cardinals who are “especially outstanding for their doctrine, morals, piety, and prudence in actions” (Code of Canon Law, Canon 351). Usually bishops– actually archbishops since they head very large dioceses– are appointed as cardinals. (If one is not a bishop, he must receive episcopal consecration.) Especially since the pontificate of Pope Paul VI, the selection of cardinals has better reflected the whole Church throughout the world.
Together the cardinals form a special “college” which has the responsibility to provide for the election of the Pope. As the Holy Father stated in his address to the new cardinals, “[They] constitute the senate of the Church, the first collaborators of the Pope in his universal pastoral service.” The head of the College of Cardinals is the Dean who is elected by the other cardinals and approved by the Pope. The cardinals assist the Pope collegially when they gather in a consistory at his invitation to address questions of major importance. Individual cardinals also preside over an office of the Curia or serve on a papal commission. For example, Cardinal Ratzinger is Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Officially, the cardinals still hold ranks which reflect the origin of the office: episcopal (bishop), presbyteral (priest), and diaconal (deacon). Cardinal bishops include the six titular bishops of the suburban sees of Rome– Ostia, Palestrina, Porto-Santa Rufina, Albano, Velletri-Segni, Frascati, Sabina-Poggio Mirteto and the Eastern Rite Patriarchs. Three of the Cardinal bishops are active full-time in Curia. Cardinal priests, formerly serving in the original 27 parish churches in Rome, are bishops whose dioceses are outside of Rome. Cardinal deacons, who were formerly chosen according to regional divisions of Rome, are titular bishops assigned to full-time service in the Curia. Therefore, each of the cardinals is assigned a titular Church in Rome as a symbol of being members of the clergy of Rome; moreover, each cardinal receives a ring, which as the Holy Father explained, is “a sign of the special spousal bond which now unites them to the Church of Rome, which presides in charity.”
While the position of cardinal is clearly a great honor, it is also a grave responsibility. In Spring 1998, the Holy Father exhorted the new cardinals and the whole college: “May the Paraclete [Holy Spirit] be able to dwell fully in each one of you, fill you with divine consolation, and thus make you, in turn, consolers of all those who are afflicted, especially the members of the Church who are most tried, of the communities which suffer the greatest tribulations because of the Gospel. …You are called to help the Pope to lead Peter’s boat toward this historic goal. I am counting on your support and your enlightened and expert counsel to guide the Church in the last phase of preparation for the Holy Year. Looking along with you beyond the threshold of 2000, I invoke from the Lord an abundance of gifts of the divine Spirit for the entire Church, so that the ‘springtime’ of Vatican Council II may find its ‘summer,’ that is, its mature development, in the new millennium. The mission to which God call us today requires attentive and constant discernment. For this reason, I exhort you to be more and more men of God, who listen deeply to His Word, capable of reflecting His light in the midst of the Christian people and among all men of goodwill.”
One last minor point concerning why the cardinals wear red. The Holy Father stated at the last investiture: “Red is a sign of the dignity of the office of a Cardinal, signifying that you are ready to act with fortitude, even to the point of spilling your blood for the increase of the Christian faith.”