Why are the capital sins called “the capital sins”?

The capital sins are the source of all sins.  The word capital derives from the Latin caput, meaning “head.”  Note that they are not called “capital” because they are prevalent around a nation’s capital or capitol.  Actually, St. Thomas Aquinas … Continued

What is wrong with the “morning after pill” or RU-486?

Since the advent of the “Pill,” medical technology has made further developments in the area of artificial birth control.  Technically, the original pills were anovulants made of an extremely high dosage of synthetic hormones.  Taken orally, these anovulants suppressed ovulation and thereby prevented conception.  … Continued

What is the Church’s teaching on tyrannicide?

The moral issue here is that of tyrannicide– the killing of a tyrant, and specifically, the killing of a tyrant by a private person for the common good.  Technically, there are two classes of tyrants: a tyrant by usurpation (tyrannus … Continued

What is the Church’s teaching on organ transplants?

In general, the Catholic Church approves organ transplantation, as reiterated by Pope John Paul II in an Address to the International Congress of Transplants on August 29, 2000.  Quoting from his encyclical The Gospel of Life, the Holy Father said, … Continued

What is the Church’s teaching on euthanasia?

Pope Pius XII, who witnessed and condemned the eugenics and euthanasia programs of the Nazis, was the first to explicate clearly this moral problem and provide guidance.  In 1980, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released its … Continued

What is the Church’s teaching on contraception?

This question concerns probably one of, if not the most controversial moral teachings of Catholicism.  This topic is definitely the one that prompts headlines and excites some people to say, “I disagree with the Church” or “The Church is wrong.”  … Continued

What is the Church’s teaching on cloning?

Dolly the Ewe certainly did make international headlines.  Dr. Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist responsible for this research and technique of cloning, took an ovum from an ewe, sucked out the nucleus with its unique DNA, and then fused the … Continued

Why does the Church teach regarding sterilization?

Before addressing the morality of sterilization, we must first remember that each person is a precious human being made in God’s image and likeness with both a body and a soul.  Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the … Continued

What does the Church teach regarding oaths?

In His Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew, our Lord taught, “You have heard the commandment imposed on your forefathers, ‘Do not take a false oath; rather, make good to the Lord all your … Continued

What does the Church teach concerning gambling?

Gambling, whether it involves games of chance (e.g. card games), wagers or betting, or even lotteries, is not intrinsically evil (Catechism, #2404).  However, a person may only engage in these activities with a strict adherence to virtue.  First, he must … Continued

What does the Church teach regarding “bad language”?

We must first clarify what is meant by “bad language.”   For some people, bad language includes everything from taking the Lord’s name in vain, to cursing, to blasphemy, or to just plain old profanity. In general, the Second Commandment governs … Continued