What is the story of Our Lady of La Salette?

On Saturday afternoon, September 19, 1846, two children– Maximin Guiraud (age 11) and Melanie Calvat (age 14)– were tending sheep for their employers near La Salette in the French Alps.  The effects of the French Revolution which had terrorized the … Continued

Did Jesus have “blood” brothers and sisters?

This question arises because the gospels refer to the “brothers” and “sisters” of our Lord.  In the New American Bible’s English translation of the Gospel of St. Mark, we do indeed read about the crowd asking, “Isn’t this the carpenter, … Continued

Straight Answers resumes in the Year of Faith

In September 1993, “Straight Answers” appeared for the first time as a regular weekly column in the Catholic Herald. At that time, I was president of the Notre Dame Institute for Catechetics (now the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom … Continued

Can my mother’s ashes be spread over a lake?

In a word, No. In 1997, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops with the approval of the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued the following instruction, entitled “Reflections on the Body, Cremation and Catholic … Continued

When did the church start allowing cremation?

Since the earliest times of the church, Christians traditionally have buried the bodies of the faithful departed, in contrast to pagans who normally cremated. As professed in the creed, we believe that at the end of time, Our Lord Jesus … Continued

What is the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion?

The morality of abortion is not up for vote. Abortion is an intrinsically evil act. Moreover, the Roman Catholic Church consistently has condemned abortion — the direct and purposeful taking of the life of the innocent unborn child. In principle, … Continued

How does the Church’s liturgical calendar work?

To answer these questions, a simple review of the church liturgical calendar is helpful. Even though the liturgical year follows the same course of seasons punctuated by various feast days, the faithful must not see this as repetitive but rather … Continued